Never Forget

Proud to live in New York CIty, where I learned that hate might destroy, but love will always heal. #NeverForget

NiFiHeNoMo Update Number Two [AKA Woo Hoo!]

Today I feel amazing!

In April I set a goal to complete an 80,000 word novel. On November 1st, I challenged myself  to write 30,000 words in 30 days in order to reach that goal. Well here it is, November 25th and I've officially passed the 80,000!

I am excited and proud, but I still have work to do. That's right. The number is there, but I have another chapter and a half to write before I'm finished.

Now does this mean that I can't have a 'Woohoo Moment'? Heck no! I am woohoo-ing it up over here!


For months I have been daydreaming about finishing the first draft so that I can finally start editing.  I have a feeling that editing is going to be fun, fun fun! I'm sure it sounds as though I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not at all. I really am looking forward to the process.  It may just be the under utilized English major in me speaking, though. We'll see.

It's Thanksgiving week and we have family coming to town, but hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in an hour or two to work on the book. No one will notice if I disappear when the game is on, right?

Have you reached or almost reached a long term goal? How did you do it? Comment below and let me know.
