NiFiHeNoMo Update Number Two [AKA Woo Hoo!]

Today I feel amazing!

In April I set a goal to complete an 80,000 word novel. On November 1st, I challenged myself  to write 30,000 words in 30 days in order to reach that goal. Well here it is, November 25th and I've officially passed the 80,000!

I am excited and proud, but I still have work to do. That's right. The number is there, but I have another chapter and a half to write before I'm finished.

Now does this mean that I can't have a 'Woohoo Moment'? Heck no! I am woohoo-ing it up over here!


For months I have been daydreaming about finishing the first draft so that I can finally start editing.  I have a feeling that editing is going to be fun, fun fun! I'm sure it sounds as though I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not at all. I really am looking forward to the process.  It may just be the under utilized English major in me speaking, though. We'll see.

It's Thanksgiving week and we have family coming to town, but hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in an hour or two to work on the book. No one will notice if I disappear when the game is on, right?

Have you reached or almost reached a long term goal? How did you do it? Comment below and let me know.


NiFiHeNoMo Update!

So after a shaky start to Niko Finishes Her Novel Month [NiFiHeNoMo] I am proud to update that I am ahead of schedule on my 30,000 words in 30 days mission.

As proud as I am, I have to admit that I'm a little embarrassed to say that it has not been due to me diligently sitting at my laptop and banging out at least 1000 words a day.  Nope.  Since I made the decision to take on this endeavor my mind has been all over the place.  Sitting at my laptop and actually focusing on my novel was proving to be agonizing.  The words and scenes weren't coming to me.  Anything I did write was so forced that it was borderline depressing.  All I wanted to do was check my Instagram, read other blogs, or finish reading Allegiant.

Then I finally decided to try something that I had been avoiding: The Timer Method. 

Any book or article you read about writing or being productive in general will, at some point, tout the benefits of setting a timer and concentrating solely on the task at hand until you hear the ding.  It wasn't that I didn't believe these experts, it was just that I knew how my mind worked and I truly didn't believe it would work for me.  Essentially my mind is a brat that doesn't like to be told what to do...obviously....

Full disclosure: I was scared. Scared that I wouldn't have the discipline that I needed to not search #TheWalkingDead on Twitter when I should be in the cocoon of the timer.  I didn't want to fail because falling on such a small level could lend itself to me believing I could and would fail on the grander scale. 

Yes, I know. I can be pretty dramatic. 

Fortunately I sucked it up and told myself to grow a pair.

The first day using the timer method I did 3 one hour stints.  By the end of that third hour I had written 4025 words.  For someone who's been hitting 1000-2000 words a day lately I was beyond thrilled.   The screen grab above was taken on November 10th, not only pushing me ahead of my total word count goals, but also surpassing my daily word count record.

I can't say exactly what it is about using a timer that pushed me beyond my limits to numbers that I never knew I could reach in a day.   I can say that it almost became like a game.  I started to enjoy challenging myself when I would look up and see how much time I had left.  I would also try to have a larger word count with each hourly stint.

It also didn't hurt that I was hit with some serious inspiration and was excited by what I was writing.  I suppose I have to attribute some of the inspiration from the extra push that the timer gave me, right?

You know what else I believe helped? Finding the most obnoxious timer online. It felt like it was me against the timer.  I mean, what could be more annoying than a bomb with a lit fuse that actually explodes at the end of the countdown? No seriously, ifyou know of something please tell me. 

Well, that's my update and if rambling on has helped you in any way, please let me know! 



Niko Finishes Her Novel Month [NiFiHeNoMo]


So in typical Niko fashion I woke up November 1st and made my decision about National Novel Writing Month [NaNoWriMo].  I have decided that I will not be participating this year.  Instead I have created, for myself, Niko Finishes Her Novel Month [NiFiHeNoMo]! Granted it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but it is my hope  that the sense of pride and accomplishment that I imagine happens after completing NaNoWriMo will still wash over me.

So, I have set a target of 30,000 words in 30 days in order to reach my 80,000 word count goal. By November 30th, I will, like successful NaNoWriMo participants, have in my hands a completed first draft. Yay!

As far as my idea for NaNoWriMo all is not lost. Not when Camp NaNoWriMo exists! It is basically the same idea [50,000 words in 30 days], but you can participate during the month of April or July. Depending on where I am on my edit I may participate then or there is always next November.

In the mean time there's nothing like a couple of pretty little notebooks to keep my ideas in until then!  

Alright, I have to go now...I have a goal to reach! 
